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Kevin Shea’s goodbye to George Yankus

My Grandfather had a favorite spot in the house – it was a leather chair that sat in the corner of the living room. On the left, he had a view out of a bay window that overlooked the front yard and on the right, was a view through the kitchen out a pair of sliding glass doors that overlooked the backyard. He had everything he needed in that corner and could see everyone who came to the house and he was always excited to see them.

George Yankus with his granddaughter Debbie Shea Caldwell
George Yankus with his granddaughter Debbie Shea Caldwell at her wedding

Below the bay window was a long table with a picture of my family – my wife, my 2 sons, his great-grandchildren and myself. I am told he used to sit and stare at that picture. He also had a cane given to him by his granddaughter and her future husband that he had to have in his sight at all times. He used to speak of winning the lottery so he could pay to have everyone move closer to him. That never happened, but the pictures and the cane among other things were a reminder to him of his family and how much he loved them.

I can remember so many good times with him and those times will live with me forever. Grand pop was an avid fisherman. He loved driving on the beach and spending countless hours fishing on the beach. The beach will never be quite the same without him. At home no matter how much we disturbed his routine and his house, he loved having everyone nearby.

I am thankful, as we all should be for the time we were able to spend with him. I know each of us is a better person because of that time. People spend a lifetime trying to leave their mark on earth. Grand pop left an impression on his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that will live on forever. I see gestures in my son Zachary that remind me of Grand pop and to me, there is no greater mark he could have left on this earth.

On Tuesday afternoon, I had an opportunity to speak to him for what turned out to be the last time. I told him I love him and he smiled. I thank God for that opportunity. Later that evening, he received prayers from friends and family and passed away quietly, calmly, without pain, and surrounded by his wife, 2 daughters, a granddaughter and pictures of his family as well as the other special belongings. He passed away in the corner of the living room where he felt most comfortable. As much as it pains me, I thank God for taking him in such a manner with those he loved nearby.

I love you Grand pop and we will miss you – your spirit will always be with us.

Added header images

Translations of the Lithuanian Proverbs on header images

Kaip senieji giedojo, taip jaunieji dainuoja.

Translation: What kind of parents, such children.
Meaning: Children will become like older generations.

Koks tėvas, toks ir sūnus.

Translation: Such father, such son.
English equivalent: Like father, like son.
Meaning: Sons may look and behave like their fathers. This is due to inheritance and the example observed closely and daily.