Florian Yancauskas

Florian Yancauskas's Naturalization papers
Florian Yancauskas’s Naturalization papers


Florian Yancauskas U.S., World War II Draft Registration Card
Florian Yancauskas
U.S., World War II Draft Registration Card (4th Registration)

World War II Fourth Registration, 1942
On April 27, 1942, the Selective Service conducted the fourth of six draft registrations. This registration, also called the “Old Man’s Registration,” collected information on the industrial capacity and skills of men born between April 27, 1877, and February 16, 1897 (ages 45 to 64). This draft registration was not intended to be used for military service, but to provide a complete inventory of manpower resources in the United States that could be used for national service.

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